
How to remove duplicate files from pCloud

  1. Install the app

    First of all, download DeDuplicate from your device's app store.
    If you're on iPhone/iPad, get it on the App Store; for the Android version visit Google's Play Store.
  2. Select pCloud

    Open the app and select pCloud on the first screen.
  3. Login

    Begin the authentication process, entering your personal account details.
  4. Start the scan

    In the next screen, choose if you want to scan the whole drive, or some specific folder(s). Then wait for the scanning process to complete!
    You could get a pop-up asking about tracking permissions or sharing device data. Feel free to accept or reject, it won't affect the operation.
  5. Review the results

    You are presented with a list of all the duplicate files that have been found. Nothing has been deleted yet! Check the results and proceed to the next screen.
    If you want to ignore some duplicates or pick different copies to keep, use the buttons in the top bar or browse through the list and make individual changes.
  6. Confirm

    You will be shown a summary of your choices, how many files would be removed and how much space will be freed. Press the button to confirm and then wait while the app deletes your duplicate files.
    DeDuplicate will never delete your files irreversibly. If you want to recover something that you deleted by mistake, use the website or the official app of pCloud, check the trash bin and restore what you need.
  7. Done!

    That's it! You will be redirected to the main screen.
    A quick pop-up will ask you to rate this app. If you liked it, please do it! Thanks.